
Literary works by French-speaking Belgian authors in search for a translator

Produced by the Direction des Lettres du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (department at the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation responsible for promoting literature), this pack contains a number of sheets presenting recent books by French speaking Belgian authors.

This selection is of course only a very small sample of a national output considered, on the international cultural front, to be the best francophone literature outside France. We have selected some twenty-five living authors whose works we consider most suitable for translation into other languages. They are not the only ones worthy of interest, but a more exhaustive list would have been unduly excessive. We would strongly recommend any interested parties to consult the catalogues of those publishing houses in Belgium that specialise in fiction, essays, poetry and the theatre.

You can find all information about them on the website of the Association for independent literary publishers: http://www.espacepoesie.be 

In order to promote the publication, in translation, of Belgian works of literature abroad, subsidies are available from the Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Publishing houses, with the exception of those located in Wallonia or Brussels and publishing in French, may put in an application to the Direction des Lettres du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, for the translation of novels, literary essays, poetry collections and play scripts. The Service de la Direction des Lettres does not assist in the publication; its subsidies are there to reduce the foreign publishing house's translation costs by paying for the whole or for a part of the translator's fee.


Silvie Philippart de Foy
Direction des Lettres
Boulevard Léopold II, 44
1080 Bruxelles
Phone nr. : 0032 478 25 07 24
Email : silvie.philippart(at)cfwb.be